Photo of Primer Microleader sitting on the floor of the classroom's reading area

Join the
Primer team

The next generation is stuck in an industrialized education system. We’re relying on them to invent the future, but they won’t be able to solve 2050’s challenges with an educational supply chain built for the 1950’s. We need a new system, one where kids learn how to think instead of what to think — and that’s what we’re building at Primer.

Primer Microschool leader sitting on the floor of the classroom reading area
Primer Cloud Illustration
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
Alan Kay

Come do your life’s work

We won’t sugar coat it: what we’re trying to do is incredibly hard. For most of us, this is the hardest problem we’ve ever worked on. But that’s precisely what makes it so fulfilling.

Photo of a Primer employee at PrimerCon showing a volcano project Photo of three Primer employees on halloweenPhoto of a group of Primer employees having fun at a company outing
Photo of a Primer employee at a Primer stand spreading awarenessPhoto of two Primer employees at school pickupGroup shot of the Primer team at an offsite
Photo of a Primer employee at PrimerCon showing a volcano project Photo of three Primer employees on halloweenPhoto of a group of Primer employees having fun at a company outing
Photo of a Primer employee at a Primer stand spreading awarenessPhoto of two Primer employees at school pickupGroup shot of the Primer team at an offsite

It’s early days,
but we’re onto something

"This school really challenges students in a fun way. My daughter is doing so well, and the teachers show dedication. We love this school!"

Imani’s mom

"It’s the best thing that happened to my son. The way they teach is wonderful. My son loves to go to school; he’s learning and happy."

Nicolas’ mom

My favorite thing is the engagement from the teacher. You know immediately where your child needs work, making it easier to address the problem and help the child.

Trinity’s dad

"Moving my daughter was the best decision I’ve ever made. She’s able to shine and also get the one-on-one help she needs at times."

Armani’s mom
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We have some great thinkers and investors in our corner to help us do the work too.

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Meet the team

We’re a team of engineers, educators, and storytellers building a new education system for the next generation.
We can't wait to meet you.

Meet the team

For educators

We free up educators to do the work that matters with kids and families they love. If you’re an educator ready for something new - come join us & rediscover the magic of teaching.

Start a Microschool